The thing about outdoor furniture is it’s, well, outdoors. This, unfortunately, leaves it vulnerable to whatever miserable weather nature has in store. Rain, snow, relentless wind, hail, or whatever region-specific hell weather you may get all wear on your furniture.
The good news is that most furniture built to live outside is usually built to withstand these elements. However, just because it’s in one piece doesn’t mean that one piece is clean. So once the sun comes out again, how do we go about making outdoor furniture shine again? Here’s our helpful breakdown guide by common furniture materials:
Wooden furniture has a unique beauty to it, adding a natural feel to your backyard (or really wherever you put it). However, even if it’s properly sealed, exposure to the elements, extended sunlight, dirt, and grime will take their toll.
When cleaning wood, a gentle touch is needed. Before we get to washing, make sure to remove any loose debris like leaves, twigs, or other detritus by hand or with a brush. Next, grab a bucket mixed with warm water and soap along with a clean cloth. Soak the cloth and wipe away any dirty, being sure to clean along the grain of the wood. By applying light pressure, all but the most stubborn dirt should come out easily. But what if you encounter more stubborn imperfections??
With wood, it’s not uncommon for imperfections to appear over time. Stains and watermarks embedded in the wood, little splinters, or bristles sticking up are fairly common. For these, a light sanding should do the trick. Start with medium-grit sandpaper (around 100-grain) and sand along the grain of the wood when it’s dry. Apply enough pressure to remove the stain but be careful not to press too hard that you damage the wood underneath. Follow up with finer-grain sandpaper (150- or 180-grain) and repeat the process, removing any scratches from the initial sanding.
While you could use a soft washer for outdoor wood furniture, it’s better to take care of this kind of furniture by hand than using a full-pressure washer. Pressuring washing any kind of wood surface is best for stripping and prepping it for a fresh coat of stain, paint, or sealant.
Metal is a great material for outdoor furniture. It’s sturdy and one of the easier materials to clean. Just like wood furniture, it’s best to remove as much as you can by hand. It may seem tedious, but doing this first keeps you from picking up all sorts of schmutz with your cloth.
Once clear, use a cloth soaked with soapy warm water. The nice thing about metal is it’s resistant to damage. That means you can apply more pressure if you find some difficult-to-remove spots. If you find something that just isn’t coming off, you can hit it with a pressure washer. Just be sure that the furniture is secure, lest it be blown away in the process.
If you notice some rust, however, there are some practical ways to remove that as well.
The unsung hero of outdoor gatherings, plastic chairs are among the most common outdoor furniture. Cost-effective and resilient, plastic furniture is great for when there are many guests to seat. Nobody likes getting stuck with the old gross plastic chair though, so let’s be sure to give them some love too.
Once any easy-to-remove debris is gone, grab a bucket of hot water with 2-4 tablespoons of dish soap. Plastic furniture is easy enough to wipe down, but some stains may persist. As tempting as it may be, stay away from bleach. It can very easily eat away at plastic, leaving your thrones in worse shape than when they started. Instead, use distilled vinegar for those tough stains. Leave it to sit on the chair for 10- 15 minutes before rinsing off. This should get rid of any nasty spots easily enough.
For those looking for a shortcut, pressure washing is also a solid option for plastic furniture. Once again, be sure to secure the chair. Keep in mind that, unlike metal, plastic breaks much more easily. Don’t let the pressure washer rip at full power or you risk snapping off some important pieces. Instead, work your way up from a lower setting until you find the results you’re looking for.
Breathing New Life into Your Outdoor Furniture
Though outdoor furniture isn’t too difficult to clean, it’s not always the most fun chore. Once you get them sparkling, invest in some furniture covers or store them away when harsher weather is on the horizon to save yourself some work.
You don’t want your backyard furniture to look neglected. Especially in the spring and summer when you plan to entertain others, the state of your outdoor furniture is something people will notice right away. Though even if you like your backyard space to be your own, no one likes sitting on a grimy mess.
Of course, if you’re looking for help with your next cleaning project, you can always come to talk to the pros and we’d be happy to leave your deck ensemble clean and shiny.